From the blog

Our Tribe Attracts Our Vibe

What Being Part of the Shady Acre Means to Me 
​A Message from our General Manager

Tamera – General Manager

Rich and Vee like to say “Happy People Stay Here because Happy People Work Here.” Well, let’s just say we have a difference of opinion on that one. Since becoming part of this Tribe my belief is that Happy People Work Here because Happy People Stay Here. I have never experienced the level of happiness in my work, before starting here in March 2021. Everyone who works and stays here is so incredibly kind and amazing, that being happy in my work is as easy as breathing. 

Before I started working here, I researched Shady Acre Motel and saw all the incredible reviews that our guests had left. I thought to myself, “Well they must be doing something special at this place.”  Upon meeting Rich and Vee it started becoming apparent what this “special” was. In all my years I have never worked somewhere that from top to bottom everyone works together as a unit. There is no job above any person and as a team we complete all our task’s day in and day out. Everyone is kind and courteous. They genuinely care about you as a person and not just what they can get from you. I never realized how something as simple as Rich starting the day by asking how I am doing could impact me as much as it has. I feel valued for the person I am and not just for what I can bring to the table. This is a lesson that I will forever treasure and something I now apply more in my work and personal life.

 Being part of the Shady Acre Tribe means teamwork, accountability, hardworking, generosity, respect, and more than anything else, family. This Tribe has impacted my life every day since starting here in ways that never cease to amaze me. 

Written by: Tamera Davis 

Chateau Christmas from Left to right: Tom, Carol, Rich, Vee, Tamera, Brodie

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