From the blog

Indulge Me…It’s Mother’s Day

I am a proud mom of two amazing men. I can honestly say that It’s an honor to watch my son’s “Adult.” They now have families of their own and they are doing life well. We had bumps in the road just like any other family. We faced all the challenges of childhood, transitional teen-age years, and growing into young adult hood. We plowed through and I am now watching them grow their little people. Sometimes they ask my advice, sometimes I offer it unsolicited.
(Hey, I’ve earned it, and what mom doesn’t give free advice?)

Making Memories with Mom

It goes without saying what Mother’s Day is all about.
Don’t forget to say it LOUD and say it OFTEN. : ) 
My mom passed away when my boys were ages 10 and 8. There is still a huge void and Mother’s Day can be a bit melancholy for those of us whose mom’s are no longer with us. Give mom some grace for those feelings, tell her you appreciate her, and make some new memories every day.
I’ve created memories all over the world with my kids and grandkids and some of our very favorite are right here in
Branson, Missouri and on Table Rock Lake
Give us a shout if we can help you create some memories!
Shady Acre Motel 

Forced Family Fun

When my boys were teenagers they started calling family time “Forced Family Fun.” It’s a a joking term that they still carry on today. Family dinners, camping trips, family beach trips, Silver Dollar City trips are lovingly referred to as “Forced Family Fun Days.” It’s a term of endearment that makes this mom smile!
Below are a few of my favorite “Forced Family Fun Day’s!”

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